Monday, April 11, 2011

Our Big Boo Boo

Courtney, here.  A couple of months ago we were featured on another blog called Today's Top 20.  Amanda was sweet enough to share our Fuzzy Blanket Tutorial.  I should have linked back to her then, but it seems a big pirate party, followed by a stomach bug, followed by 2 sinus infections, and a case of RSV led me to a brain fart.

Amanda has a tear-jerking story that she is making peace with by making a difference.  I love people like that.  You can read her story here.

Gabe's Gift is something everyone can help with.  A great way to practice your sewing skills and do something for others.  I don't know about you, but I love multi-tasking.  :-D

I have already committed myself to one blanket...which I need to get started on.  I'm taking suggestions for a "theme" for my blanket.  What sounds fun to you???

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