Items Needed:
- Nylon Fabric (the inside waterproof fabric)
- Cute Fabric (the outside adorable fabric)
- Velcro (probably white would work best, unless you have a darker fabric)
- Bias Tape (or Fabric to make Bias Tape for the more skilled seamstress, about 1/2 of a yard)
- Thread to match your fabric
**Note each bag is made of 2 nylon and 2 cute fabrics cut at 7"x 8", so purchase fabrics accordingly**
Each bag is cut 7" wide X 8" long. Cut two pieces of your cute fabric to these measurements.
The inside of the bag is cut the same as the outside, but out of the nylon fabric.
I used this polka dot fabric for my bias strips. If making your own bias tape, cut a strip on the bias two inches wide and 14 inches long. (If you are a beginner seamstress, I would suggest buying bias tape and skipping this step.)
Now you have your bias strips, the outside of your bag and the inside.
I used a 3/8" seam allowance when sewing the bags together (meaning I left 3/8" on the outside of my stitch). Sew the two long sides and the bottom short side together to form your bag. For the cute fabric, sew it together with the print to the inside. The nylon fabric does not have a "side", so just sew them together.
On your printed fabric, clip your corners as shown below. After clipping your corners turn the bag right side out.
Slide the nylon bag inside the printed fabric bag.
(If you bought pre-made bias tape, skip this step.) Next I made my bias tape. Chelsea found this bias tape maker for me. And I l-o-o-o-ve it. It is so easy to use. Take your cut pieces and run thru this little machine.
Bias Tape can also be made with your iron as shown in the picture below. To start, fold your strip of fabric in half down the length of the fabric and iron. Then open up the fabric. Taking the outside edges, fold them into the middle and iron again, as shown below. After ironing your strips to look like the picture below you can then iron the strip in half again to form something like a "taco".
Next stitch the tops of the bags together all the way around so it will be easier to attach the bias tape. (Make sure not to sew it shut. You're just wanting to sew the outside layer to the inside layer.)
You can sew the bias tape on two different ways. This way takes two steps. First, open your bias tape. Lay it face down on the inside of the bag. Line up the edge of the bias tape with the top of the bag. In order to avoid bulk on the side seams, start it in the middle of the back side of the bag. (There may not necessarily be a "front" or "back", so either side could be fine.) Stitch at the first pressed seam.
Then pull your bias tape to the front by folding up at the first pressed seam, folding the second pressed seam over the top the top of the bag, and folding the third pressed seam under to create a pretty fold on the front. Next stitch the tape down. (Or to do this in one step, you can slide your "taco" shape bias tape over the raw edge and stitch the top and bottom of your tape at the same time.)
Now you are ready to attach the Velcro. Cut your Velcro the width of your bag. The Velcro is stitched in the inside of the bag next to the bias tape. I started with the first piece by putting the end at the side seam and started stitching. When I got to the end of the first piece I added the second piece of velcro and kept stitching until I had gone all the way around the top. Then stitched the bottom side of the Velcro all the away around.
You are now finished with your lunch bag. Courtney's kids use these in their lunch boxes for sandwiches, crackers, fresh fruit, and cookies. They can be washed and dried, making for easy clean up.
I made two at the same time. I made the apples for Heidi Sage and the Longhorns for Clinton. They'll be getting these particular sets for Christmas this year. These would be a great gift or stocking stuffer. Once you make your first set and realize how easy they are, you might be making them for everyone you know!
In fact, these are so cute...we should probably GIVE SOME AWAY! (And they're not just for kids...Courtney likes to pack snacks for herself in these too...maybe I should have made her some so she won't have to keep using Clinton's camo ones!)
Happy Snacking (or Lunch Packing),

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6 Shout Outs:
What a fun idea! I really like the fabric you used! Visiting from Make It Yours Day!
LOVE them!
I love these! I have seen them at the Container Store and a couple of other places, but have thought they were too expensive. A boy in my pre-school class has one that his mom puts anything "loose/dry" in (fruit/veggie chips, Amy's bites, pretzels, etc.).
I do "like" you on Facebook. I read your blog regularly, but don't know what following on GFC means. Maybe the fact that I'm a Longhorn fan can make up for this?
couldn't think what to make for my granola in-laws and these were perfect for their kids. just whipped up two cutie ones! Thanks for the post!
Soooooo CUTE!! I love the simplicity and function of these. Totally going to have to make some!! :-)
This is great! I've just started sewing and even I think I could make these! Thanks for the great tutorial!
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