I was standing in line at JoAnn's one day and found this great toddler headband and mitten set in the dollar bin. I decided with a roll of ribbon I could make this pretty cute.
First I created a place to clip a hairbow on the headband. I didn't want to sew the bow to the headband because I wanted Heidi to be able to wear it later without the headband. To create the loop for the bow matched the two edge of the headband and sewed along the edges for about 3/4". Make sure to match your thread to your headband so that your stitches don't show.
The loop is sewn and ready to slide the bow into the slot.
I then used Deborah's hairbow tutorial to create this bow and clipped into the loop.
To create the matching gloves I cut two 8" pieces of ribbon and used fray-check to seal the ends. My ribbon is 1 1/2" wide.
I then made the bows for the gloves. To start the bow I took an 8" piece of ribbon and made it into a loop slightly overlapping the ends.
Then I sewed the loop closed.
Then flattened the loop in half and sewed a running stitch through the center of the loop through both layers of ribbon all the way across.
I then pulled the running stitch and gathered the bow in the center. Then I secured the shape by stitching the gathered section into place.
Both bows gathered in the center. Now all I need is a center ribbon.
I used a short 1/4" piece of black ribbon for the center of the bows. To get my measurement I wrapped the black ribbon around the center of the bow and then added a little extra so that the ribbon would overlap on the back. Once the length was determined I fray-checked the ends of the ribbon to prevent fraying. I then stitched one end of the ribbon to the back side of the bow.
I then wrapped the ribbon around center of the bow and stitched it in place on the back of the bow.
The finished bows.
Then I stitched the bows to the mittens.
The finished mittens.
The complete matching set!!!
Love these? Click over here to read about our contest where you can win a finished set for your little one!
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2 Shout Outs:
This idea is so cute....I would like one for myself!
This is adorable! The plaid bows are just so perfect.
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